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I’ve reached the point of life where I am obsessed with building a sustainable, meaningful and profitable legacy. I am breaking every generational curse over my life and that of my family’s.
— Ros

10 Random Facts About Me….

  1. I have like 12 jobs. Ok, maybe not that many but I usually have 12+ different projects going on any given day. I have a 9-5 in pharmaceutical research. I’m an author, ghostwriter and a journalist. I make wigs and invest in real estate. I’m a single mother. Yeah…so like 12 jobs.

  2. My teen daughter is also a published author (check out her books in my book store).

  3. I am a HUGE mommy’s girl! I’ve reaped enough bad fruits of not heeding her advice in the past that I very rarely do anything without her input. Plus, she’s just wise man!

  4. I LUH GOD and I’m HIS FAVORITE! Debate your mother on this, not me. Nah, for real. I can’t begin to tell you how good God has been to me! So I do my best to be the best ambassador of Christ that I possibly can. Disclaimer: I’m saved…not soft. I’m delivered….not perfect. Just so we’re clear.

  5. I was born and raised in NC. Never lived anywhere else and don’t plan to (unless a God sent man or purpose assignment comes and sweeps me away….I’ll allow either).

  6. I consider myself to be a food, wine and hair enthusiast, which just means these things excite me beyond words.

  7. I like to change my hair A LOT. God blessed me with the ability to effortlessly rock everything from a low cut fade to 26” bundles…and baybeee…I WALKS in my anointing!

  8. I am the great #8 on THEE Trilogy; Fifteen (SPR ‘05) line of the Kappa Sigma chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., at East Carolina University.

  9. I spend a large portion of my time entertaining my daughter and her friends. It’s a running joke that I adopt all of her friends, no matter what city we live in; on any given day, I usually have a gang of girls in my car or house belting out the lyrics of Drake, Da Baby, Megan the Stallion, and whatever them other lil rappers names are.

  10. I initially went to college to be a nurse in hopes of later becoming a nurse midwife. I’ve always been fascinated with birth. I still am! Well, ya girl got kicked out of nursing school after her 1st semester - so now I’m just birthing books!